Imperial Irrigation District

Imperial Irrigation District Needs Assessment

Imperial Irrigation District


Imperial, California




Corporate Yard

Project Description

GPa worked closely with the Imperial Irrigation District to perform needs assessment services. The challenge was consolidating multiple departments spread over several sites within the region into one optimized facility. GPa planned methods to phase the project to synchronize with the city’s established budget constraints to plan for the expansion along with implementing sustainable practices to meet the IID’s goals for achieving LEED certification.

The corporate yard is located within the eighty (80) acre existing corporate yard facility. The new design is comprised of the following program area requirements:

- Office and Headquarter spaces: 60,000sf

- Warehouses: 40,000sf

- Covered Canopies: 25,000sf

- Fleet garage, shop, and washbay: 40,000sf

This new facility is designed in phases to enable the city to operate with minimal interuption while the existing facility is being demolished and the new facility is being built in its place.

The project was a needs assessment analysis completed in 2011. 


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