Escondido Administration Facility

Escondido Administration Facility

City of Escondido


Escondido, California




Corporate Yard

Project Description

We provided Architectural needs assessment services for the Public Works and Water District Facilities for the City of Escondido in order to plan for the relocation of their entire nearly 19-acre facility. The current existing campus consists of The Public Works Operations, Building Maintenance Division, Fleet Services Section, Water Operations Division, Warehouse and City Stores Division. Encompassing both Public Works and Water District Facilities, this needs assessment aided the City in selecting a site that would allow for relocation of the functions currently housed at their existing facility. The needs assessment consisted of three stages:

Stage 1-Facilities Programming:

We worked with the City to develop current and anticipated spaces needed for the facility renovation based on the needs of the organization; each of its departments, along with requirements of individual staff.

Stage 2- Space Planning and Adjacency Diagrams (Preliminary Master Planning):

We developed block plan diagrams that initiated the organization of spaces to depict ideal configurations for the future facility in a format that resembles a master plan that can be used to locate an ideal site. Conceptual cost estimates were provided as part of the assessment as well.

Stage 3- Conceptual Site Master Plan based on a potential selected site:

A new conceptual site plan and phasing plan was developed to depict how the facility would be able to maximize the potential site based on the previous block diagrams completed.

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